Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Creative Constructions

Hunter has been getting very creative with his Tinker Toys lately.

There was a time in his life, actually ever since he got these, that the only thing he and his cousin Anthony would make out of these is "swords" (using the poles to whack each other) and the occasional "umbrella" (sticking poles in each opening of one of the yellow pieces, forming a sort of spoke and wheel effect).

But Hunter has suddenly decided to use these to make all sorts of interesting contraptions. "Ships", actually. The one above is from earlier today. Here is Monday's creation:

It is fun watching him suddenly get increasingly innovative with his creations.

I love these and other building toys and all virtually endless possibilities for creativity they provide. Looking forward to seeing what he'll come up with next.

"He shall build an house for my name, and I will stablish the throne of his kingdom for ever."
2 Samuel 7:13
Hunter is 5 years, 0 months old


  1. You have a great boy...he looks soo fun and sweet. Thanks for the great site. It serves as a guide for me as my daughter is 1 yrs old.

  2. Thanks Ariel, I always appreciate hearing from a reader. It makes the work that goes into the blog all the more worthwhile! Happy learning with your daughter!


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